The Boutique Hotel i Limerick

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IrlandThe Boutique Hotel


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17B, Denmark Street, V94 YV59, Limerick, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 315 320
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Latitude: 52.6640482, Longitude: -8.6245221

kommentar 5

  • Olga Bolmatova

    Olga Bolmatova


    Perfect comfortable hotel in the very heart of the city, worth much more than the asking price. Best part for me - it has a heater, which is very important for foreigners in Ireland who are used to warmer rooms. 10/10 would stay again

  • en

    ais orally


    We booked this hotel as a place stay after our christmas night out.When we returned to hotel we found out we were locked out of hotel through no fault of our own for over an hour at 2.30am. When an employee came he was the rudest guy turns out the night porter who in fact was an extremely nice and professional guy was dealing with a girl who fell and in turn got this guy to help who turns out to be employed by this hotel. He is a Representative of your hotel and told us all he didn't give a f k that we had no access to the hotel. All the other staff were so nice and professional but if this hotel would like return customers the guy who came to help out needs a course in customer relations and change of attitude.

  • Padraig Varley

    Padraig Varley


    Great place for a stag/hen/night out but that's it ;)

  • Luke Chadwick

    Luke Chadwick


    This place was absolutely terrible, and they think that a disclaimer that it's in the city and therefore might be noisy is a catch all excuse for any guests also making noise. We had two rooms here. One for my Girlfriend and I and the other for my mother and her best friend. Let's start with my mother's room. It was right over a bar that was noisy on a Wednesday night until about midnight. This is made worse by the fact that the rooms are stifling unless you open the windows and of course opening the windows enhances the noise. Now let's talk about my room. We were lucky enough to be on the other side of the hall. So we could open the window without an assault of noise. Until the guests in the room next door decide to have an all night party in their room. At 2am I politely go and knock on the door and explain that we are trying to sleep next door. This has limited success until they (being drunk forget). At 4am I call the front desk and ask them to come up and deal with it. Though how they could not have heard it from downstairs is beyond me (2nd floor). To his credit he tries to come up and deal with the problem. What follows is a discussion outside the door where he tells them to be quiet and when they start to argue, he 'fines' them. They proceed to threaten him, and invite him to come outside and fight (I am hiding just inside my room so as not to escalate the situation). Eventually, the noise is enough that another guest comes and yells at them. Poor night manager. No refund was offered, despite the fact that they 'fined' the other guests, making a profit off the bad behaviour. This is of course a budget establishment, but you might as sleep on a park bench, you'll get more sleep.

  • Henry F. Bock

    Henry F. Bock


    Hotel was very good! No noise problems even there was live music in the bar under the hotel. Beds were quite comfortable and the bathroom was very clean! Highly recommend it!

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