The Pier Hotel i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Pier Hotel


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Sarsfield Bridge, Limerick, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 317 179
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.6645774, Longitude: -8.6290731

kommentar 5

  • en

    Noel Walsh


    Was a very good hotel, clean and very friendly, will definitely stay there again and is close to the city centre.

  • Frank Treto

    Frank Treto


    Rooms were good (not great), 18" tv, and a small bathroom. But who care right? Im not there to watch tv or hangout in a room. There was what appears to be mold around the crown molding of our room though. That gave me some concern. Beds were not the greatest either. They are all saggy. You can definitely tell where people sleep. The way of fixing that issue was going out to multiple pubs and having plenty of drinks to where you'd forget about it. Slept like a rock afterwards. Parking was full so they sent me to another carl park 3 blocks away where they have an agreement. I paid €7 for overnight parking which honestly isn't bad. If I had to stay here again, I probably would. Great location which allows you to walk everywhere. I did not try their food so no reviews there.

  • en

    Eleanor Owen


    Can't say enough about this hotel. Rooms were lovely, beds comfy , amazing shower. Breakfast was lovely. Staff were extremely helpful, friendly and would recommend

  • en

    sophie kennedy


    The minute we arrived Saturday night the lady on reception was extremely helpful and so lovely! When we arrived back at our hotel after our night out the staff on reception then were just as lovely! Made our stay much more comfortable! Our room was spotless and we will continue to stay in the pier hotel now when we stay in limerick 😊

  • da

    Jens Jørgen Andreasen


    Godt sted, central beliggenhed, lidt slidt, meget flink personale

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