The Savoy Hotel Limerick i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Savoy Hotel Limerick


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Henry Street, Limerick, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 61 448 700
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.6631911, Longitude: -8.629176

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pratiksha Parekh


    Best hotel ever. Great staff and wonderful breakfast!

  • Ofir Butler Lazar

    Ofir Butler Lazar


    Great hotel but I wouldn’t give it 5 stars. The TV was very small and old and the quality of the channels was very poor. The service and food were very good and the bed was very comfortable

  • John Chandler

    John Chandler


    Generally very good hotel. On the first night the cleaner tried to come in to the room to clean at 7:45am (with the do not disturb on). But the other staff were awesome. Overall, the hotel could do with a slight upgrade in terms of how modern everything is, and the lounge could do with actual food. The swimming pool area is good, however the sauna was not working, but there is a working, small, steam room.

  • en

    Robert Boughen


    A thoroughly enjoyable evening and amazing cuisine at it's finest. I strongly recommend a meal in in Hamptons restaurant. Huge choice of excellent food on their menu . Friendly and helpful staff . Executive suite was top class. Attention to detail excellent and a very relaxing but entertaining atmosphere.

  • Brendan Jones

    Brendan Jones


    Lovely place with nice decorating. It's quite small in side with narrow rooms, but is charming. Parking is the down side in the fact that there is none. The hotel is very inconveniently located for accesses allot to do with the city's one-way system. Staff are welcoming and helpful

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