Viking Hotel Waterford i Waterford

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IrlandViking Hotel Waterford


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Cork Road, Waterford, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 336 933
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Latitude: 52.242255, Longitude: -7.164738

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel Docherty


    I've stayed here a number of times over the years and always been a lovely stay, very friendly staff and comfortable rooms. Lovely food too. Won't be long until I'm back again

  • Martin McMahon

    Martin McMahon


    For the price it's just ok. I thought €90 for one night in a small city hotel on the outskirts was a bit steep. Beds were comfy. Pillows were useless. The staff in the morning for breakfast never asked if I wanted tea or coffee, I had to ask for knives and forks.

  • en

    Maria Dunne


    Just back from an overnight stay...We were greeted by a very friendly and helpful receptionist..ok that room.was.dated but very clean...the bar staff were so attentive and the food was spot on...yes I would recommend this hotel....well all.

  • en

    Eileen Mapstone


    Excellent carvery. Lots of parking. Relaxed atmosphere. Friendly staff. Toilets clean and I like the little extras like a good quality hand soap and paper towelling to dry hands.

  • David L

    David L


    Driving down from Dublin, easily found with the use of Google maps. The hotel is easy to spot on the side of the road, it's placed in amongst car dealerships. It has a front and rear car park. I parked at the rear and walked in the main entrance and was hit with the smell of home cooking! Room was lovely and clean and smelled like a new room! Breakfast in the morning is a buffet and was also very tasty! Would gladly stay again

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