Annie Bloom Florist i Dublin 18

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAnnie Bloom Florist



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Bray Road, Dublin 18, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 289 8899
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Latitude: 53.268693, Longitude: -6.167084

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martin Doyle


    Great fresh flowers here.

  • en

    Declan Ryan


    Extremely poor customer service. Only wanted two roses, felt like I had inconvenienced the rude staff member who I was unfortunately stuck with. Her colleague behind the screen was much nicer and thankfully could hear my requests because the other one clearly didn't want me to bother her anymore. As a man who picks the nearest option to get flowers I'll be travelling further next time.

  • Emmanuel Ranchin

    Emmanuel Ranchin


    Beautiful floral arrangements for all prices, ...very creative florist who truly makes unique creations that always please and amaze, all this combined with the best and most reliable online florist website I have experienced, not just in the area ! Keep up the good work Annie Bloom, you're doing excellent!

  • Ann Hannigan Breen

    Ann Hannigan Breen


    Great flowers. De Ma was delighted with them. Service perfect too. Will use Annie Bloom again.

  • Shirley Tisdall

    Shirley Tisdall


    Excellent service. Beautiful flowers... my mother said they were nicest she's ever received. It meant a great deal. Thanks Annie Bloom.

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