Floral Scents i Dun Laoghaire

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFloral Scents


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212 Dun Laoghaire Shopping Centre, Dún Laoghaire, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 280 0122
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Latitude: 53.29381, Longitude: -6.134276

kommentar 5

  • Stephen O'Doherty

    Stephen O'Doherty


    Flowers ordered on Friday to be delivered to an address in Dun Laoghaire 500 yards from their shop door. By 5pm the following day there was still no delivery or update despite five phone calls. They said they couldn't contact the driver however, the deliveries could be up until 6pm. An entire day wasted. On top of this crummy service, the owner was rude, and dismissive. When the order was finally cancelled, she couldn't have cared less. After being asked, she begrudgingly offered an apology (ps driver was apparently two minutes away from my door when as the order was cancelled - a likely story). They also have a policy that the driver is not allowed contact customers - how not to run a business.

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    bernadette thomas


    Ordered flowers for my aunt at 3:30 18/01/17 to be told they would be delivered the next day. As it was a birthday gift and my aunt's wasn't expecting them I said OK. When my aunt didn't ring me the next day I rang her that night and asked how she liked her flowers only to be she didn't get any. Rang and got Nicola the next day who apologized and offered to add choc to the order (my aunt is diabetic) the said flowers were delivered at 1 on 21st. So if your flowers are for a special day be warned it might be better to collect and deliver yourself.

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    Ita Buckley


    Lovely flowers and excellent customer service. My mum was really happy with the flowers and they were delivered right on time. I will be a returning customer.

  • Aoife Ryan

    Aoife Ryan


    I have used Floral Scents on many occasions for various events and each and every time, I was completely satisfied. Elaine and her team went out of their way to fulfil my requests every time! I have also referred others to Floral Scents who were also very pleased with not only the quality of the flowers, but also the design and fair pricing. Highly recommend!

  • Eoin O Neill

    Eoin O Neill


    i have used Floral Scents on a few occasions & am yet to be disappointed. The flowers are always beautifully presented and really fresh. The delivery fee was minimal and they delivered on the same day i ordered. im not normally one for reviews, however, credit where its due. I would highly recommend this company

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