Donna the Florist i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDonna the Florist



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51a, Donnybrook Road, D04 EH95, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 219 4555
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Latitude: 53.3213412, Longitude: -6.2351464

kommentar 5

  • Navin Sekhon

    Navin Sekhon


    Donna’s a great florist! Very friendly and great service.

  • en

    Barry Ahern


    Picked up the phone today to try Donna for the first time. I’ve used other florists locally in the past and let’s just say I won’t be anymore. Flowers ordered before 2 and a magnificent bouquet of Lillie’s(my partners favourite) arrived at the house within 45 mins with a smile on delivery(can’t put a price on that). Even talking to Donna on the phone she couldn’t have been more helpful. Keep up the great work Donna. 5 Stars from me. Barry

  • Richard Storey

    Richard Storey


    Delighted with the service provided by Donna. Ordering flowers over the phone from the US for delivery a few hours later to a hotel local to her shop, Donna very helpful and friends and did exactly as requested and at short notice. Please see photos

  • en

    Darragh Rushe


    We needed flowers delivered quickly to celebrate an engagement. Very friendly and helpful staff who delivered the flowers within two hours with very reasonable prices. Highly recommended.

  • Arnau Obradors Latre

    Arnau Obradors Latre


    My experience short and simple. I wanted three red roses, she didn't have any. I ended up buying three white ones. She didn't offer any solutions, neither cared much for what I wanted. In the same way, I don't care much for this shop. Sorry.

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