The Enchanted Florist i Dublin 6

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Enchanted Florist



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Milltown Road, Dublin 6, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 260 9937
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Latitude: 53.3135181, Longitude: -6.2471897

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mary Kelly


    Exceptional service and care provided. Spent 15 mins on the phone this am with a lady who helped me decide what to select. Above and beyond when assisting with flower selection etc. Stunning flower selection - classic with a twist of wild / forest-like additions running through bouquets.

  • Gareth Byrne

    Gareth Byrne


    A great florist that offer something that bit different that really stands out from other florists. I've always got wonderful flowers here over the years

  • Martin Bosak

    Martin Bosak


    Small shop, good choice of bouquets as well as flower pots and accessories

  • Chris Horton

    Chris Horton


    Super helpful staff and a great range of flowers. Great for that special occasion when petrol station flowers won't cut it!

  • en

    Peter Sweeney


    Always have a great experience here. Everyone is so helpful and they will always do their best to accommodate your needs. We got our wedding table dressings here and they were great! Wouldn't go anywhere else!

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