i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Frascati Road, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1800 300 003
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Latitude: 53.300523, Longitude: -6.179518

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jon Slobodin


    Top-notch in all aspects. They have a great selection of flowers, I have ordered from them multiple times, and they're always complimented. Beautiful selection, and great customer service as well.

  • Paul Meade

    Paul Meade


    Used the service to brighten my Wife’s day for our Anniversary. Was delighted the process was so easy and intuitive. The options available were expansive and complemented the flowers. Flowers were delivered promptly and were absolutely top quality. I was extremely happy with service from start to finish and would highly recommend.

  • en

    alana fearon


    It was so easy to order online, even from thousands of miles away in Jamaica! My best friend was delighted with her flowers, they were delivered right on time and they put a huge smile on her face. Highly recommend

  • en

    Baba Yoga


    I ordered Christmas table decoration "fresh wreath/bouquet creation with candles" for my sister. They contacted me that evening that it will be a little different that the one on their website, because the local florist did not have the same exact thing. It was fine with that. They delivered the very next day at noon, and it was beautiful! My sister loved it!

  • en

    Daniel Papke


    Great user friendly website. Nice arrangements with fair prices. Most important thing with my experience was the TOP NOTCH customer service. Very responsive, friendly and helpful! Would highly recommend!

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