apple b&b i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Irlandapple b&b


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40, Eden Park, H62 DW24, Galway, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 85 711 5050
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Latitude: 53.2043664, Longitude: -8.5607358

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sheila Kerins


    I stayed in this B&B last July ,and while the owner was friendly and helpful, I am sad to say the comments on the cleanliness of the place are spot on. I have been reading the reviews and I am sorry to see the replies from the owner are very defensive .Perhaps he should listen to what people are telling him and do something about the state of the place.I wouldn't stay here again,nor would I recommend it. I didn't leave a review last year as I did think the owner was trying his best but I really wouldn't want anyone else to stay there without knowing what to expect.

  • Balwinder Saini

    Balwinder Saini


    Good place

  • en

    Keith Laheen


    I couldn’t bring myself to sleep there. A bad student house at best an no person should ever b charged money to stay

  • en

    Barry Laheen


  • en

    Jesse Granbois


    It was.

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