Lough Rea Hotel & Spa i Loughrea

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IrlandLough Rea Hotel & Spa


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7, Athenry Road, H62 RC53, Loughrea, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 880 088
internet side: www.loughreahotelandspa.com
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Latitude: 53.2025586, Longitude: -8.5861452

kommentar 5

  • Rebecca Holmes

    Rebecca Holmes


    Was only staying for 2 nights but wasn't impressed. They only gave us 1 toilet roll and when they cleaned the room they didn't give us another one. Also the bed wasn't made properly, it was more like 2 single beds shoved together so my fiancé kept almost falling through the middle. Some of the staff weren't very nice, bit rude if I'm being honest. Breakfast was a bit of a joke, there was only 1 person serving hot food so we were waiting a while for that. Was handy because it was near everything but don't think we'll stay again.

  • Alyssa W

    Alyssa W


    Absurd! Disgusting! I was at this hotel 2 years ago and everything was fine. This is not the same. When I walked in people were smoking inside, the whole place was a mess; the lobby looked terrible and dirty. The carpet leading to my room looked like in had not been vacuumed in weeks. The room looked worn down, the tv was the size of a dollhouse tv with less then 10 working channels. At dinner we were seated at a dirty table, the waitress took over 15 minutes to come to the table, and the food was horrible. Okay now it is 11:20pm with pounding loud music and the front desk said it will go to almost 3am. What a nightmare! Never again and will not stay another night in this place!

  • en

    Valerie Kelly


    Fab spa experience, and the afternoon tea is better than any I've ever had elsewhere. The thermal suites are a fantastic way to unwind. I usually go with a friend and use it as a way to catch up while letting the heat take care of tired muscles.

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    Lisa Duggan


    Very friendly staff, very helpful and fast service. Really nice food, bedrooms are lovely and clean. Walking distance to Loughrea town, not alot to do here but in good weather it's a nice way to pass the time walking down main street. Would definitely go back, but would make sure I booked the spa in time! It had filled up by the time I went to book, but there was a really good choice of treatments

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    Anne McMahon


    Overall a good experience. Efficient friendly staff, afternoon tea was fresh and tasty with a good selection. The Spa experience was very good. Lovely professional therapists and a variety of treatment chambers in the thermal suite. Very comfortable beds and spacious rooms. Very little noise from other rooms and corridors. Evening meal and breakfast a little uneventful. Selection on the menu was very descent but tasteless. The bar served as the hub of all activity from afternoon tea, to dinner, drinks and breakfast. It also served as the access point for the spa which I found peculiar. I don't really get the walking through the bar with robes , when families were eating and people drinking and watching the rugby. It's the wrong ambience for spa users and bar/restaurant users.

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