Clifton Court Hotel i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandClifton Court Hotel


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11, Eden Quay, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 874 3535
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3479369, Longitude: -6.2579014

kommentar 5

  • Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers


    Enterance is a bit easy to miss and reception is upstairs. Staff were really helpful and friendly. Room had everything I needed. I had a great time

  • Tyler Spilker

    Tyler Spilker


    It wasn't a fancy hotel by any means, uncomfortable bed and a little dingy but the people working there were nice and we had no troubles. The price and location were excellent. We spent all day out of our room anyway so it was nice as a place to sleep and store our stuff

  • en

    Thaine Rowley


    The people were awesome, and the bar/restaurant was great. The room, however, was mediocre at best. The mattress was horrible, I'd actually prefer to use a hostel mattress. I didn't use the sheets, cause that extra padding was needed so I didn't feel the springs. The wifi was spotty at best. The shower had mold in it. You can see shoddy patchwork on the walls, and the walls are super thin. Constantly hear people around you. Looks like they are biding their time to gut the place and remodel... Lets hope that's soon.

  • Owen O'Neill

    Owen O'Neill


    Cheap and cheerful. It's 2 star so don't expect too much but it's clean and does the job. Couldn't be more central. Bring ear plugs because it's on a noisy street and the walls aren't too thick! Cold tap didn't work in my room but they were happy to fix it or move me. That's the lost star!

  • TheAON1569



    The Hotel Staff where fine, but the actual Room was awful. There where frayed wires coming out of a plug, there were cigarette butts outside the window, the Bathroom was tiny and you could barely lock it, it couldn't be closed without locking otherwise it would just open (see picture). There was blood on the duvet which wasn't cleaned during the stay, and there was a dirty sock in the room the entire time. It was also not quiet, we where in the room across from the cleaners closet and could hear everything for hours in the morning. Its also above a bar so there was singing going on until about 1 in the morning every night. The mattress was really uncomfortable so I could barely sleep. Overall a terrible experience. You are definitely only paying for the location.

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