Equilibrium Day Spa i Ballincollig Shopping Center

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandEquilibrium Day Spa



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Unit 5 The Parade, Ballincollig, Ballincollig, Ballincollig Shopping Center, Co. Cork, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 89 480 6266
internet side: www.equilibriumdspa.com
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Latitude: 51.88885, Longitude: -8.590031

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yvonne Meade


  • Emilie Cavaliere

    Emilie Cavaliere


    Great massages and facials. Nice relaxing atmosphere

  • en

    Eric Murphy


  • Anne o connor

    Anne o connor


    I've loved Equilibrium Spa since it opened near me. From the moment you walk in to the reception area you are so well taken care of and treated like a princess! To the changing area, the lovely soft dressing gowns, the relaxing relaxation room with its delicious teas, to your treatment. I have used many other Spas over many years throughout the city, but honestly nothing has ever come near Equilibrium. It's spotlessly clean and so well taken care of. Anyone can get a facial or treatment anywhere but it's the personal attention, the decor and cleanliness that puts this Spa way ahead of the rest.

  • Sandy Vaughan

    Sandy Vaughan


    I've had a few treatments at Equilibrium over the past 2 years. I'm a big fan of the hot stone massage, plus their facials. Pure heavenly. It's a beautiful and relaxing spa in the heart of Ballincollig town. I love their relaxation room for chilling out after treatments, the staff are lovely, I'll definitely be returning soon.

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