Maryborough Hotel & Spa i Douglas

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IrlandMaryborough Hotel & Spa



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Maryborough Hill, Douglas, Co. Cork, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 436 5555
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Latitude: 51.8728935, Longitude: -8.422049

kommentar 5

  • Gerard O'Flynn

    Gerard O'Flynn


    Stayed in maryborough hotel with my partner. Spa rooms absolutely fantastic time very welcoming and accommodating staff. And one of the many beautiful hotels in Cork

  • en

    mary KENNEDY


    Such a beautiful hotel the staff would bend over backwards to help you nothing is a problem for them will be back for another visit soon

  • Nicole Carmody

    Nicole Carmody


    My favorite hotel in Ireland i really love coming back. we got a free upgrade the last stay with a beautiful room with Jacuzzi bath it just made me love the place even more. You do not want to leave

  • paul kelly

    paul kelly


    Went to the Maryborough for New Years 3 night stay. The Hotel is very nice and was nicely decorated. Our room was good and well presented. We ate from the bar menu first night and it was ok but we both felt in was not a pleasant place to dine. Next morning we had breakfast and it is semi buffet you get your cereal etc and hot food is waiter service, here lies the problem the scrambled egg n bacon was cold. We ask for it to be heated and it was returned cold. We had a bad experience each morning for breakfast so watch out for that, but it was very busy. First day our room was not cleaned and we also had a problem with a broken bath drain. The Pool n Spa are great and this is a good place to stay, but the attention to detail we expected was lacking. Paul

  • Sascha Giese

    Sascha Giese


    Nice hotel with gardens, spa and pool. Loads of meeting rooms. Restaurant is great, Bar area very large and a terrace. Location a bit outside so you cannot walk to the city centre unfortunately. At least a large shopping mall is within 20 minutes walking distance. Rooms are clean and nice but a hit dated which is sad considered the overall great impression of the hotel.

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