Hayfield Manor Hotel i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandHayfield Manor Hotel



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College Road, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 484 5900
internet side: www.hayfieldmanor.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.890867, Longitude: -8.490044

kommentar 5

  • en

    Patricia Gordon


    Love this hotel. Food, drinks, rooms, staff, ambience, closeness to city centre.

  • en

    Samuel Chestnutt


    Wonderful hotel! Perfect retreat haven. Far enough out of Cork city for peace and quiet but close enough for access to all the buzz!

  • Shaz Walsh

    Shaz Walsh


    Absolutely fabulous place. So posh and the service you get is second to none would love to go back some day.

  • G Twomey

    G Twomey


    Definitely will be visiting again. Staff go above and beyond to ensure comfort. And enjoyment. The service is one of a kind

  • Bryn Watkins

    Bryn Watkins


    Service here is truly five star first class. The rooms are homely although the TV’s are dated we are talking early 00’s (a small but important point to note at a five star). We stayed here at the start of the Christmas period, the decorations just right and not over the top. I feel bad putting any negatives on such a wonderful hotel and such great service but would like to highlight what could be improved. Great stuff Hayfield Manor Hotel staff - amazing!

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