Insure My House ( i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandInsure My House (



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Insurance House, Suite 3, 62A Terenure Road North, Terenure, Co. Dublin, Terenure, Dublin, D6W CF54, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 603 2999
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3124676, Longitude: -6.2827492

kommentar 5

  • Lorraine Bourke

    Lorraine Bourke


    I had shopped around a lot before speaking to Insure My House and both the customer service and value with them was by far the best I received.

  • en

    Dave Irish


    Was straight forward easy process done quickly, the price was near 100 euro cheaper than previous cover. The cover was also increased by 25.000 extra above the old cover for my house based on exactly the same risk details I provided. I increased the rebuild amount by 25.000 allowing for possible increased costs in building charges in case of a fire... I was surprised to get a much better quote of 90 plus euro less than old policy cover.

  • en

    regina hehir


    Found the company good to deal with efficient and helpful would like to see better deals in future for house insurance

  • en

    Bernie Brown


    Best value on the market. Great company to deal with, and cheapest house insurance, very pleased with

  • Christian Kyriacou

    Christian Kyriacou


    I had issues getting flood cover for my house as the area i live in is in a so called flood zone even though it has never flooded there, that was not an issue for though. polite helpful and not expensive, possibly the best move you could make

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