Insure My Van i Dublin 6W

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandInsure My Van



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62A, Terenure Road North, D6W CF54, Dublin 6W, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 660 6900
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3128196, Longitude: -6.2833138

kommentar 5

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    Trisha Duffy


    If there were 6 stars I would give them!! As a home owner and car owner i am used to dealing with customer service and sometimes have been near to pulling my hair out! The ease and simplicity that Insure My Van made of the whole process was a credit to them and the exceptional staff they have. No nonsense and they get the job done!!

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    Paul Hughes


    Why must a person have a trade to be allowed to drive a van, some people find them more useful than a car especially if they ncarry more than one passenger. The insure co tried to refuse me cover until I had proven my need for a van for trade purposes. After five years claim free driving in a small lorry, 3times bigger than my present van, I had to start again on zero years bonus rating which struck me as an insult, I would not have minded if I was upgrading to the larger vehicle which would have been a reasonable measure to expect, I suspect industry greed to be the reason for the expensive clauses.

  • Gemma Horgan

    Gemma Horgan


    Excellent to deal with. Great prices. And extremely helpful staff.

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    James Beecher


    Time taken to post out insurance docs was horrendously slow, renewed on Mon 05th March, docs posted out on Thurs 15th and received after the Bank Holiday. I was told this was due to a backlog after the snow storm. Seems woeful.

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    Brendan Cullen


    Good company to deal with. Very competitive quotes and very prompt sending the documentation. Can't ask for more than that really.

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