Insure My Van ( i Dublin 6W

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandInsure My Van (



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Suite 1, Insurance House, 62A Terenure, 6w, D6W CF54,, 62 Terenure Road North, Terenure, Dublin 6W, Co. Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 660 6900
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.312657, Longitude: -6.283414

kommentar 5

  • Robert Kennedy

    Robert Kennedy


    I have my commercial vans and some personal motor with Insuremyvan. Not 100% but they do try hard.

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    john mitchell


    Didn't get a quote and to a mix up on some side. Unfortunately I took out insurance elsewhere . John kindly contacted me and gave me an excellent quote. Will b contacting them again

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    keith Annett


    If available I would have allowed 2.5 Stars as they have provided a good service up until this year when I noticed my insurance was getting beyond expensive! They have always been competitive but with reference to the last 2 years, my premium increased over 20% each year to + 40% this year so I decided it was time to look around. I eventually got insurance with my current provider at a better rate than I payed Insure my van the previous year! If I could lend advice I would encourage you to lift the phone and shop around! Having said this and as previously mentioned prior to this I could not fault their level of service and leave a satisfied customer.

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    Sheldon Nolan


    Hi there I cannot believe how easy and efficient it was to secure my vehicle insurance with you guys. All my information on screen in front of there eyes making my decision easier to renew my policy. However I only have one little gripe and I had to get a window replaced and I was not informed about the vat charge when all was fitted. I got a little shock and thaught I was being scammed!!! But apparently this is normal procedure... I do wish I was informed when speaking to your rep on the phone at the time. other wise I couldn't be happier with your service and i have recommend you to other business people I know. Sheldon

  • Devlin Fynes

    Devlin Fynes


    excellent services quick ?but wasnt happy with renewal price call around and insure my van gave say price was happy then

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