Knocklyon House B&B i Ennis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKnocklyon House B&B



🕗 åbningstider

Showgrounds Road, Ennis, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 65 684 0783
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.8383407, Longitude: -8.9975244

kommentar 5

  • Antonella Mazzanti

    Antonella Mazzanti


    Bella posizione, tranquilla e a 2 passi dal centro. Le camere spaziose e pulitissime come il bagno, la colazione ottima. Il padrone di casa è una persona eccezionale, simpatico, disponibile e sempre pronto a darti una mano x qualsiasi cosa. (Grazie di tutto, è stato un piacere conoscervi)

  • en

    Sean Cusack


    Excellent service, they supplied everything I needed for a reasonable price.

  • Tomaž Verdinek

    Tomaž Verdinek


    I have been travelling around Ireland once again - this time with my parents. I have been in a lot of places and B&B's before but this house is just amazing! The warm welcome and overall real good hospitality and kindness of the owner, cousy house and really good rooms just left me without the real words to explain how satisfied we were here at Knocklyon House! Would recommend to anyone who is planning to stay in the area and feel the real kindness and the hospitality of the Irish people and culture!

  • en

    Dean Eade


    Clean and cosy . Feels like home and the hosts are lovely. Very quiet location. Slept like a baby. Couldn't ask for anymore.

  • en



    The hosts are wonderful and accommodating. The breakfast is delicious and the rooms are very comfortable. The house is a short walk from town, very convenient.

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