Treacys West County Conference & Leisure Hotel i Ennis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTreacys West County Conference & Leisure Hotel



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Limerick Road, Ennis, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 65 686 9600
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Latitude: 52.831327, Longitude: -8.980353

kommentar 5

  • Denise Hehir

    Denise Hehir


    Nice hotel, friendly staff and a 10 minute walk from the town centre. Different restaurants and event rooms available plus bar and outside seating area. Plenty of parking and its next to the main road so its easy to find

  • en

    Nicola Cahill


    Amazing welcome by front staff, rooms very dated and needs a revamp! Bar food great and kids can stay in bar until 10pm. Breakfast was only fair, dirty hot buffet section and really dried up, and this was at 8.30am!! Kids can't use the pool until 9am which was a pity because we have really early risers and would have liked a swim earlier. I think that this is an insurance issue though.

  • en

    liz shanahan


    Stayed in the hotel from the 17th for two nights. Rooms very clean beds lovely and comfortable. Staff in all areas of the hotel were very friendly and helpful. Child friendly. Breakfast very good as was the food in the restaurant. Would recommend this hotel.

  • Sally Cray

    Sally Cray


    Absolutely wouldn't stay there again. Was there with 2 young kids and we had to leave after the first night. The baby cot supplied was disgusting and filthy. The hotel is so dirty and there was drunken guests lying all over the lobby area in the morning time. We had no heating in our room, and we complaint. Nothing was done and we were told by a very unprofessional so called manager that our room was the only room in the entire hotel to complain about no heat. We had to leave and stay at the far superior Woodstock, the staff are so friendly and love. The staff at the Tracy's are unprofessional, badly trained and rude. STAY STAY WELL AWAY FROM THIS HOTEL YOU'VE BEEN WARNED

  • en

    Shayne Mc Shane


    Stayed here many times before but never again. At 9:40 pm we were informed by a member of staff that as we had children we would have to finish our meal and be out of the bar area by 10 pm as this was now the hotel policy. We complained to the bar manager but he proved to be equally as ignorant. We have been coming to this hotel for the last 9 years but obviously our custom is not needed any more. On the same night 3 other families that happened to be there also felt that they were treated like dirt and said they would be making an official complaint to management. In fairness the rest of the hotel staff were excellent and the food was very good

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