Rowan Tree Hostel i Ennis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRowan Tree Hostel


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Harmony Row, Ennis, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 65 686 8687
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.8461258, Longitude: -8.9825892

kommentar 5

  • Leja Řehyč

    Leja Řehyč


    Very good. I spent just one night there. The city is beautiful.

  • en

    Hugh Heaney


    Good hostel in the heart of Ennis very well priced. Situated on the river with lovely views...relax on the balcony with a tasty coffee or glass of wine from their restaurant.

  • en

    Wong Foong Mei


    This is the first time I am staying in a hostel. The location is very good, right in town centre. The staff is very friendly and so are the hostel guests in general. I have got a really big ensuite room overlooking the river. The room and bathroom are very clean. The only problem is d wash basin has 2 separate tap heads so I either get very hot or very cold water. There is a huge kitchen and dining area for us to use and it is real fun cooking together with the other guests.

  • es

    Jose M. Riquelme


    Casi perfecto.

  • Agustín Canale

    Agustín Canale


    Todo excelente, tanto la atención como el confort

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