Regency Dry Cleaners i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRegency Dry Cleaners



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1, Lower Leeson St, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 676 4444
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3358888, Longitude: -6.2571054

kommentar 2

  • Derek Reilly

    Derek Reilly


    Lived close by and used Regency a few times a month until one of my suits returned with a mystery hole in it. They totally denied ownership and then offered to repair. I was promised a call back when the repair was done. 2 months later they can keep the suit at this stage and they'll never get anymore of my business. Cowboys Ted.

  • en

    Aidan Smyth


    Do not use. Handed in a jacket that had previously been dry cleaned and was unworn. The sleeve touched off the wet road and had to be put in again. They gave it back in worse condition than I gave it to them and didn't tell me there was an issue. The morning of the wedding when I took the jacket out to wear it was unwearable and I had to rush to buy a new jacket. When I handed it in they promised to call me back which was a week ago. I've called them and they don't pick up.. Load of other dry cleaners in the area. Id advise you to use them. Thanks,

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