The Zip Yard i Dublin 2

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IrlandThe Zip Yard



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15, Anne Street South, D02 C567, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 8929
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Latitude: 53.3411096, Longitude: -6.2588692

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kathy Merrins


    I trundled in with a suitcase full of old and new clothes that didn't quite fit or look right on me. With pins for magic wands and a good eye, the ladies transformed my items from meh to amazing.

  • Audrey Bowman

    Audrey Bowman


    Love The Zip Yard been using them for years! The girls in South Anne St. are so nice and really know what they’re talking about. Always giving me great ideas. I’m addicted to alterations now it’s so great to have clothes that fit me properly!!!!! They did a FAB job on my husbands suit too recently, €60 can’t really complain about that you wouldn’t even know it was touched!

  • Paul Hoey

    Paul Hoey


    Reasonable prices and speedy service. I've never had a problem with any alterations I've had done here over the years.

  • Dia C

    Dia C


    Sloppy & expensive job. Came to replace buttons into a zipper for a dress. Terrible job for 20 euro. Zipper was applied sloppily & assimetrically. The dress had 2 ribbons at the waist, and one of them was sowed on the inside of the zipper. I could've done a better basic job right at home. Funny the confirmation text said: "passed quality check". I've taken photos of the job just in case, I've never seen such low quality when this is a most basic alteration.

  • Yen Tham

    Yen Tham


    Best tailors in town in my experience. Tried a few more in different places closer to home but I always end back here as they are very talented in what they do and I'm always happy with my alterations which I get a lot of being petite!! Lol

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