The Kildare Street Hotel by thekeycollections i Dublin 2

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IrlandThe Kildare Street Hotel by thekeycollections



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47-49, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 679 4643
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3420277, Longitude: -6.2547945

kommentar 5

  • Arslan Kundi

    Arslan Kundi


    If you are looking for a nice and quiet place then Kildare Street Hotel is the best place for you to relax. They have a bar and restaurant where you can have your favourite drink and food. Their rooms are spacious. Staff is very welcoming. Receptionists are amazing. You are bus and tram stops on 4 to 6 minutes walk from hotel. Dublin's most famous shopping hub Grafton Street and St Stephens green is only 8 to 15 minutes walk from the hotel. The Spire of Dublin is on 15 to 20 minutes walk from hotel. The only bad thing i noticed was that there is no lift, you only have to use stairs. Your room will have all basic facilities like TV, Ironing stuff, locker, all the stuff for tea and coffee. Do visit Kildare Street Hotel, its one of the good ones in town.

  • Ina L

    Ina L


    Nice hotel needs air conditioning as when we went during june it was hot in the rooms

  • Ed Larson

    Ed Larson


    Very helpful counter folks nice room comfortable. It is a walk so you can skip leg day. Amazing location five minute walk to everything we wanted to see. The pub downstairs was AMAZING!!! will stay there again.

  • Aa Ason

    Aa Ason


    It's no fun lugging your stuff up three flights of thickly carpeted stairs. The top floor has one shared bathroom, so if you need to go pee while someone else is showering, good luck. The dining area has a really cool old library look to it.

  • Alishia Whittaker

    Alishia Whittaker


    Had such a pleasant stay. Not wheelchair friendly. Just a warning. Towels and linen were excellent. Beds super comfortable. Coffee and tea in rooms great. Super centrally located. Room rate was so well priced. Elizabeth was extremely helpful. Will be back if we have a stay over in Dublin for sure. Near the wax museum

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