Doms Pier 1 i Donegal

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IrlandDoms Pier 1


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Quay Street, Donegal, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 74 972 2719
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Latitude: 54.6528691, Longitude: -8.1115784

kommentar 5

  • Mark Penney

    Mark Penney


    Lovely place friendly staff kids love going their

  • Brianna Campbell

    Brianna Campbell


    The service was grand but some of the food was terrible! I went there in a group of 12 and those of us who ordered roast beef or turkey and ham found the meal very mediocre, it was thin and fatty. The worst part however was that my partner got bad food poisoning from the fajitas, the food poisoning was so bad that we had to cancel an overnight stay and spa treatments at a 4* hotel for our anniversary that cost us over £500! Very disappointed with our experience there and will definitely be avoiding it in the future!

  • becky rife

    becky rife


    Good service, but food was lacking. Ordered special of duo of fish sea bass and trout. Bass cooked skin on, but not descaled so skin was difficult to peel off fish resulting in mouth full of scales. Mashed potatoes were dry and had lumps that were still very hard, not cooked through. Veg. Was good, but cream sauce on top was not great. Friend ordered the lamb special and said the herbs and gravy was so overpowering that she could not taste the meat itself.

  • Michelle Collins

    Michelle Collins


    Excellent food. Very friendly staff. Highly recommend the burgers

  • Tiffany Wagner

    Tiffany Wagner


    Pleasant place with a nice view. The staff is kind. Our food was okay and the prices were correct.

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