Toni's Bistro i Donegal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandToni's Bistro



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11, Main Street, Donegal, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 74 972 5682
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.653683, Longitude: -8.1082869

kommentar 5

  • Brian Farrell Floss

    Brian Farrell Floss


    Superb place. Staff were amazing and food delicious. Well done to all. Hope loads of customers experience Toni's Bistro...

  • Donna Deighan

    Donna Deighan


    Great place to eat staff lovely will be back again

  • M Borrus

    M Borrus


    Very nice place, open early and open late. I came in very wet and they didn’t seem to mind! The food was very quick, tasty, and quick! Exceptional curry and the small side salad that came with it was great as well. They also have an assortment of gf and non gf desserts. The menu is moderately priced, but the desserts are a bit pricier.

  • Megan Hughes

    Megan Hughes


    Super tasty and great service! I had the fresh sea trout with veg and potatos! The cabbage was the best I have ever tasted! Great value for money and lovely staff! Oooh and the desserts.... Oh my lord!! They were naughty!!

  • Ben Spencer

    Ben Spencer


    A great little café in the main road. Table service with polite and attentive staff. Had a toasted cheese and ham sandwich and a coffee. Enjoyed the sandwich and the coffee was very good. Reasonable prices. Parking nearby in a pay and display car park.

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