Dry & Fly Blow Dry Beauty Bar i Dublin 2

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IrlandDry & Fly Blow Dry Beauty Bar



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16, Merrion Row, D02 CF90, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 534 5509
internet side: www.dryandfly.com
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Latitude: 53.3382288, Longitude: -6.2541287

kommentar 5

  • nicola walsh

    nicola walsh


    5 star treatment from start to finish. Booked this for my friends birthday as a well deserved treat and she couldn't speak highly enough of the whole experience

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    Gemma Whitty


    Popped in for a quick blow-dry on my lunch. Laura did a fantastic job. She was extremely attentive and efficient. Overall a great experience and lovely salon. Will definitely be returning.

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    Marlou Kennedy


    As always another great curly blow dry.....I have such thin hair and it’s hard to get lasting volume. However as always it lasts and looks great. Very happy customer:)

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    Hannah Sarah Louise Tedore


    I love this place! The girls know exactly how to do my hair just the way I want. Always enjoy my chocolates and Prosecco too...couldn’t recommend it enough!

  • Beste Yildiz

    Beste Yildiz


    Edit: This review is for the Wicklow St branch. I booked my appointment online for a blow dry almost 2 months in advance, knowing everywhere is insanely busy around Christmas time. I arrived for my 19.40 appointment at 19.38. The reception staff was calling me as I was walking in. So I thought "Oh, perfect. There must be no delays". Then the reception staff told me that there was a bit of a delay. I didn't really mind it knowing that it's usual to have delays at this time of the year. A bit of a delay turned into a 25 minutes of delay in total. I still would have been OK with it, if it wasn't for this: 20 minutes into my wait, another customer, who was obviously a regular walked in and immediately was taken into the hair wash area!!! I am silently fuming at this stage. The member of staff who took care of the 'regular' was free for a while during my 25 minutes of wait. I had thought she must have been done with her work for the day and that's why she didn't take me. But apparently not. Additionally, the regular's hair wash started 5 minutes before mine and ended at least 5 minutes after mine. So if you're a regular, you're gonna get a more luxurious hair washing experience as well. As I was leaving I mentioned this to the reception staff. I was given no proper explanation. All I was told was "This is a busy time of the year". There were only 3 customers when I walked in. There were only 2 (me and the regular) as I was having my hair blow dried. The blow dry itself was OK but not great. I have a lot of thick hair that holds a blow dry very well. This blow dry did not hold well. There are far better places that offer much better blow dries in the area. In short, OK blow dry, terrible customer service.

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