Lunatic Fringe @ Robert Chambers i Dublin 2

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IrlandLunatic Fringe @ Robert Chambers



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69, Grafton Street, D02 HC04, Dublin 2, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 679 3766
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Latitude: 53.341037, Longitude: -6.26068

kommentar 5

  • Tracey Egan

    Tracey Egan


    Laura was brilliant. I arrived with an idea in my head and she knew exactly what to do. Professional and very friendly. Highly recommended!!

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    Jessica Smyth


    I love my new hair so much! I chose lunatic fringe based on these reviews and I was not disappointed. Matthew is such a professional, really listens to what you want and is so lovely. I’ll definitely be back, can’t stop smiling!

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    Stefania Carta


    Matthew is great! Would definitely recommend him 😊 Lovely haircut, he took his time to listen to my needs, he gave me useful pieces of advice, and generally speaking he knows how to provide an excellent customer experience. Thanks a lot!!!

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    Elaine Loscher


    Sharon did a great job on my cut. I’ve short hair that had lost all the shape of the previous cut (cut in a different salon). She took the time to discuss what I wanted, explained what she was doing at different stages and made sure I was comfortable and happy with what she was doing. First time visiting Lunatic Fringe and I’ll definitely be back

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    Livia Suter


    If i could give more stars i would! Mathew was superb!! You never know how good the new cut is until you wash your hair home, i can now shout out loud that for the first time in a long time i am truly happy! ! Thank you Mathew keep up your great job and amazing passion # Bestmothersdaypresentever

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