New York Hairdressing i Dublin 1

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IrlandNew York Hairdressing



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20, Eden Quay, D01 E6N6, Dublin 1, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 872 7969
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Latitude: 53.3481473, Longitude: -6.2569006

kommentar 5

  • en

    Louis Daily


    It is very unprofessional hair salon. The Romanian man is so rude and he provided very poor customer service. He spoke Romanian all the time with his co-worker and I had no idea what they were talking about. It was like shouting and arguing. It was very annoying for me.You would not do that in Ireland when people do not understand Romanian. My hair cut is awful. I would not recommend this hair salon at all. I was in different salons in city centre which are not native in English (Polish, Brazilian hair salons,etc..). They were all very friendly and polite. They communicated very well with the clients. Speaking in Romian all the time in your salon is very annoying. Also, I heard a lot of gossips behind the clients who just left the salon which is very very unprofessional.

  • Sanja Frankovic

    Sanja Frankovic


    This salon has kind and helpful staff. I was very satisfied with my haircut.

  • en

    ÀIÑE Foley


    Staff are very friendly and I was in and out in under an hour even though I have long hair. Could be a bit gentler combing out tangles though, but otherwise I have no complaints and they are very reasonably priced. I have been there several times and have never had a problem with them.

  • Photographer LymArt

    Photographer LymArt


    There a friendly and professionality masters! I had cut and dyed my hair. Everything is higher level and normal price than another salons in Dublin centre. I'm pleased. Look at my hair after and before

  • Caterina Liverani

    Caterina Liverani


    I was in NYHairdressing yesterday and got the best haircut I have ever had in ages. The man who cut my hair is a pro in his job and definitely knows how to advice customers to get the best results. I was really impressed by the time and care he took to look after my head although I was the last person in the shop on a Saturday eve right before the closing time. Prices are more than fair for the value and I will definitely go back and recommend this place to anyone who is looking for a great saloon.

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