Pzazz Hair and Make Up i Dublin 2

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IrlandPzazz Hair and Make Up



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59, William Street South, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 679 4183
internet side: www.pzazz.ie
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Latitude: 53.342241, Longitude: -6.261794

kommentar 5

  • en

    Robert Rae


    Interesting shopping mall in part inside a large Georgian townhouse. Courtyard has been roofed over with glass to create a coveted area

  • Alexander Ruge

    Alexander Ruge


    Sehr schönes renoviertes Townhouse. Lohnt sich definitv einmal dort gewesen zu sein. Mittagessen und Café kann man dort ebenfalls verzehren.

  • Gemma MhicGhráinne

    Gemma MhicGhráinne


    Always a delight to visit. Can be little expensive for certain dress items. Check out the jewellery shops - beautiful range of antique and modern pieces. For doll collectors visit doll's shop top floor. Food outlets available.

  • Tim Chapman

    Tim Chapman


    I mainly use the toilets here. Always clean and always tidy! The place is full of cool little shops that I always think I'll visit next time!

  • Leonardo Rossetti

    Leonardo Rossetti


    I love this shopping mall as it is in a covered courtyard. This means you feel you're outdoor while actually being indoor (there is a glass roof). This is really nice in Dublin as it's too cold/windy to be outside and because you find a few coffee shops and cafes in Powerscourt. My favorite is The Pepper Pot. Furthermore, cafes aside, there are lovely shop: great hand made jewelry, ties and hats, design, flowers and much more. Have a nice walk inside the shopping mall and you'll love it. Free toilets on the top floor!

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