Sensius Laser Clinic - Ilac Shopping Centre i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSensius Laser Clinic - Ilac Shopping Centre



🕗 åbningstider

1, Henry Street, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 828 8958
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3503156, Longitude: -6.2638214

kommentar 5

  • roxana manouchehri

    roxana manouchehri


    very very poor. I did my bikini part hair removal 4 times and no result at all!! even not 1% I wasted my time and money...

  • Robyn Kehoe Roche

    Robyn Kehoe Roche


    Vanessa was so nice and friendly, Made me feel very comfortable and was very professional. Really happy with the whole experience! Would highly recommend.

  • Adeline Berry

    Adeline Berry


    Vanessa was super informative and calming and explained everything thoroughly. My spouse and I were very impressed and signed up for a package immediately after my consultation. Excited to go back

  • en

    sinead murphy


    Had a consultation, everything was explained so quickly and clearly, all in all took about half hour for full consultation and patch test. Was booked the following week, i was paying up front but had the option to pay on appointment (I chose to pay half and half as waiting on payday ;) the patch test wasn't sore at all, a weird feeling but definitely not sore, I have been waxing for years so this really wasn't sore or uncomfortable at all in comparison! The place was spotless and staff really friendly! Also I went to the ilac location, really handy as I'm working in town! Also really flexible hours! Would highly recommend 👍👍👍👍

  • en

    joanne sharpe


    Great place. They make you feel so welcome and comfortable when there. The price is fantastic and the service is spot on.

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