Tom Skinny's i Clonmel

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IrlandTom Skinny's



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Market Street, Clonmel, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 612 6006
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Latitude: 52.3540123, Longitude: -7.7011066

kommentar 5

  • en

    Leah O’Gorman


    i could have given a 5 star but because I have been there twice today I said I’ll say why , the first time I went there today I had bought a crazy daisy and a man had served me and he was lovely , the second time I got another crazy daisy I know I shouldn’t have gotten two but I just can’t resist it like they are delicious but anyways I was served by a girl and she was quite ignorant to be honest but other than that I could have given a five star!

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    Philip ODwyer


    Toms attention to detail on making a pizza is artistic to watch poetry in motion and they taste ok too

  • Paul Besso

    Paul Besso


    This place serves lovely pizza. Staff are friendly. Toilets need some work.

  • en

    Noel Carroll


    We visit clonmel at least once a year. And we always make a point of visiting Tom Skinnys, we love it. Some of the nicest pizza's ever. 👍 👍

  • en

    Denis Hogan


    Drinks were flat as a pancake. Food took ages to come. The pizza had more ham than the salvation army at Christmas. No toilet seat or lock in the toilet

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