Westbrook Country House i Castlebar

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IrlandWestbrook Country House


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Westport Road, Castlebar, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 927 7071
internet side: www.westbrookcountryhouse.com
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Latitude: 53.829599, Longitude: -9.344661

kommentar 5

  • Amy Brereton

    Amy Brereton


    Unbelievably gorgeous guest house, theatrical and overwhelming, would definitely recommend a stay here. Surrounded by areas of outstanding natural beauty and local towns filled with brilliant wee pubs and restaurants with amazing grub!

  • en

    Stella Garcia Moreno


    A wonder

  • Mary Dolan-McGowan

    Mary Dolan-McGowan


    Luxury and Opulence in the West

  • en

    Stephen Taggart


    Just back from a weekend in the westbrook country house can honestly say it is an amazing place to stay with two amazing hosts in Mary and Pat. Would 100%recommend....... Stephen and Colette

  • Dave Fahy

    Dave Fahy


    A lovely stay with such a warm host in surroundings that belong more in the pages of a fairytale than the Wild Atlantic Way! Mary was a pleasure to spend time with and made us feel like part of her family with a very warm welcome and some really lovely touches. Her home is beautiful and a real find for WAW explorers. Couldn’t recommend highly enough!

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