Rocksberry Bed & Breakfast i Castlebar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRocksberry Bed & Breakfast


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Westport Road, Castlebar, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 94 902 7254
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Latitude: 53.8351299, Longitude: -9.3398015

kommentar 5

  • Flaco Fabian

    Flaco Fabian


    Excellent choix. L'accueil était très bon et les chambres spacieuses, propres et décorées avec goût. Le petit dej est excellent. Les plus petits apprécieront le jardin avec son trampoline

  • Damien Chianura

    Damien Chianura


    nice b&b, nice owner & nice breakfast

  • de

    Fraloeb Fraloeb


    Sehr netter und herzlicher Empfang. Sehr zu empfehlen.

  • en

    Micah Gese


    Our host was so accommodating, the room was beautiful and had a view of mountains and fields. We ended up getting lost and having to call twice to let her know it would be later than we had scheduled. The room was beautiful, soft but firm bed, beautifully decorated and coordinated. Everything we could have needed for a refreshing night's stay and a great way to wake up in the morning, and a great breakfast! We would definitely stay here again!

  • Jorge Ant

    Jorge Ant


    I stayed here three days with my wife and young son on our 10 day trip to Ireland. This was our first stop of our trip and we were so happy to have stayed with Bernie and John. They are loving and welcoming people who made us feel like friends from the very beginning. They made us feel at home and had great accommodations for our small child. Breakfast was wonderful all three days, I had the full breakfast two of the three mornings and loved every meal. My wife was so happy with our experience and we both recommend staying here for your stay in Castlebar.

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