Carragh House i Castlebar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCarragh House


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Davitts Terrace, Castlebar, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 94 902 5239
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Latitude: 53.8610129, Longitude: -9.2977447

kommentar 5

  • Michael Kearney

    Michael Kearney


    A very good and friendly B+B .love the place

  • John Molloy

    John Molloy


    Great spot. The owners couldn't do enough for you they are lovely people. The room was clean and had an en suite. TV in the room.

  • Sue Targett

    Sue Targett


    Friendly, spotlessly clean, and great breakfast. Thank you Oonagh and Des!

  • Liam Shanley

    Liam Shanley


    My favourite b+b in Mayo. Clean and tidy, hosts are the kindest people I know. Pubs are a stones' throw away




    Staying 2 nights with breakfast. So upon arrival the owners were very friendly and guided us to the room. They do have a dog, medium sized when we arrived, but we were in and out often during the following day and the dog was barely around, very docile and friendly, even around kids. The bedroom we were in had a double bed and a single bed, both with 2 drawers underneath, there was a stand beside each half of the double bed and one next to the single bed, a hanger rail with some hangers on. Also had a TV, there was WiFi available, but we didn't use it so can't say what it is like. Breakfast included cereals, fruit, juice and a choice to order a hot breakfast as well as tea or coffee. There is car parking space in front of the place. Overall an excellent stay, would recommend it.

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