Ivy Tower Hotel i Castlebar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandIvy Tower Hotel


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New Antrim Street, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 DT35, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353
internet side: www.ivytowerhotel.com
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Latitude: 53.859731, Longitude: -9.297828

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Eastlick

    Daniel Eastlick


    Fantastic owners and staff. The newly remodeled rooms were fresh and comfortable. Their Pub's are fully stocked and staffed by efficient and friendly bartenders. The food is great and the portions are generous.

  • Colin Clarke

    Colin Clarke


    Nice little hotel. Basic accommodation. Nice bar and lovely breakfast. It has a night club and you can hear it on a Saturday night.

  • Ciaran McLarnon

    Ciaran McLarnon


    Recently re-opened and rebranded following the closure of the Welcome Inn. The new owners seem to be investing in the property by refurbishing rooms as they go. The room I had was basic but recently renovated. I hope they are able to complete what they have started. No lift to get upstairs.

  • Maura Morrin

    Maura Morrin


    Attended a Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann ceili on Saturday 13th January 2018. Very comfortable venue.Tables set out in a lovely way to allow the ceili dancers access the dance floor without any difficulty . Proprietor very obliging when asked to lower the bright lights. All round would have no hesitation recommending this lovely named Ivy Tower Hotel.

  • en

    Lisa Nic Oireachtaigh


    I experienced fantastic hospitality last night at the Ivy Tower Hotel (formerly Welcome Inn). I needed a room unexpectedly as a family member was admitted to hospital and I called very late. The lady on the phone was very kind and reassured me my late arrival would be no problem. The room was newly renovated, clean and comfortable at a fair price. Every member of staff I met treated me with kindness including Tom the night porter. I didn't get many names as I was in a bit of a fluster but thanks to those I encountered. The hotel is in refurbishment at the moment and is clearly a work in progress, but for me the hospitality I was shown made up for this.

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