TF Royal Hotel & Theatre i Castlebar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandTF Royal Hotel & Theatre


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Old Westport Road, F23 R288, Castlebar, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 94 902 3111
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Latitude: 53.8532294, Longitude: -9.3041169

kommentar 5

  • Donoghues Donoghues

    Donoghues Donoghues


    Staff lovely and friendly rooms lovely and clean. Short distance from the city lovely location I would recommend and I would definitely stay there again.

  • en

    Declan Hughes


    Great food and lovely friendly staff 😀👍

  • Michelle Burns

    Michelle Burns


    Really professional Staff and services. Booked a room for an event last night and I was absolutely thrilled with the room, the set up but also the attention to detail.. Thank you so very very much Carmel. I will be back!

  • en

    Dean Brown


    Great value for money and the staff are fantastic. Couldn't do enough for us and food was great as well definitely would stay here again.

  • en

    Noel Kelly


    Great location to stay at while catching a show in the theatre itself. Big venue, fast bar service during intervals. Has usually big acts on the list.

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