Dunnes Stores i Dublin 11

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDunnes Stores



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Charlestown St Margaret's Rd Finglas, Meakstown, Dublin 11, D11 KR81, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 806 8336
internet side: www.dunnesstores.com
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Latitude: 53.404316, Longitude: -6.3029547

kommentar 5

  • Caroline Fracalossi

    Caroline Fracalossi


    I was shocked today when I went in Dunnes stores for my groceries. I shop there every week and I never saw anything like this. The manager was screaming in the middle of the shop humiliating one employee in front of the customers, calling her stupid and shouting in her face. I was appalled. The managers name was Paulina, I think the employees name was Kathleen (who was clearly embarrassed) This manager should not be allowed to treat anyone in this way, she had an audience of customers and this is not how people should be treated. Especially in a public workplace.

  • John Finnan

    John Finnan


    Not the best range, but a good bakery section.

  • Gerry Reynolds

    Gerry Reynolds


    Good sized Dunnes, with excellent food shop and medium sized clothes and household store under one roof. Excellent Dunnes standard throughout, as always. This is the 'big name' retailer in the small Charlestown Shopping Centre, but there are also a couple of good coffee shops and restaurants, Boots, Heatons and Carphone Warehouse, a few smaller shops and a couple of banks. Cinema and bowling alley next door, good parking and excellent Dublin Bus connections. Nice place to shop, much less stressful than bigger nearby outlets, such as Blanchardstown!

  • S J

    S J


    I like this Dunnes Stores a lot! It's very spacious and everything is on one level, fashion, homewares and grocery. The supermarket part is very bright and aisles are spacious. I find Dunnes to be very reasonable and I love their own brand "My Family Favourites"! Unlike some older Dunnes Stores, this store is modern and very appealing to shop in with plenty of parking and trolleys available

  • Stephen Byrne

    Stephen Byrne


    The younger checkout staff are more interested in their plans for the weekends than in serving customers. It's a fine supermarket and is always clean and tidy. But seeing how the junior managers behave, it's no wonder the rest staff can't be bothered.

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