Arnotts i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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12, Henry Street, Dublin 1, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 805 0400
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3491216, Longitude: -6.2631311

kommentar 5

  • pl

    Justyna Młynarska


    Duże centrum handlowe ... każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie . Zaczynając od mężczyzn którzy mają wydzielone całe piętro dla siebie z przeróżnymi markami po najwybredniejsza kobietę ;) z myślą o których to centrum powstało. Polecam też parking który jest w samym centrum a opłata za niego jest całkiem rozsądną.

  • Mike Mc Mahon

    Mike Mc Mahon


    Fantastic place to shop, right in the heart of Dublin City Centre. Easy to find, fully accessible. It has a hole host of brands available, to suit all tastes and ages. While it can be a little pricey for some things, the Arnotts sale is legendary. Staff are very friendly and helpful. The only reason it doesn't get 5 stars, is that during peak times, such as Christmas, it can be very difficult to manoeuvre due to a combination of the layout and the crowds, but this is definitely worth a visit when in Dublin.

  • RobertAfrica



    Go here quite regularly, admittedly mainly to browse. Does not do food BUT does have a fancy restaurant. Clothes (got a silk scarf for a friend recently), furniture, electronics all feature prominently. Also stationery and luggage. More upmarket than down market. Prominent location in Henry Street.

  • Rich Walsh

    Rich Walsh


    I review this as a husband who spent several supportive hours here with my wife. The sofas in the sofa department are comfortable, the staff are lenient about you sitting for several hours too which is nice. The cafe has a decent selection, shuts a bit early and the desserts have far too much cream in them, which is a shame. Still, better than sitting in a Penny's.

  • Jared Kelly

    Jared Kelly


    Arnotts for lunch. After a long day of shopping a quick bite to eat in the restaurant is a must. Very friendly staff and so helpful. Good food I try different options on the menu all the time. I love there salads. Looking forward to going back. Should be there on Monday for lunch again. It not the cheapest but the atmosphere and the restaurant makes up for that.

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