Marks & Spencer Liffey Valley Dublin i Clondalkin

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IrlandMarks & Spencer Liffey Valley Dublin



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Fonthill Road, Clondalkin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 616 1800
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Latitude: 53.3453188, Longitude: -6.4080666

kommentar 5

  • Ciaran McLarnon

    Ciaran McLarnon


    Great selection of menswear here. Lots of home items and a good sized food store. Cafe has plenty of seats though it can still get quite busy. Toasted sandwiches are excellent as are scones and coffee. The food store has a great range of items too.

  • en

    Elaine Dempsey


    Love marks and spencers. I usually go with my mum once a week. We always drop into the cafe but last Saturday i was so annoyed with the cashier, i went up to the counter to help my mum and she had ordered 3 teas and 2 toasted tea cakes, as it was so busy the tea cakes were ready before the teas so i took the cakes on my tray and went to get knives, milk, napkins. My mum called me back and the cashier said to my mum i thought u said scones, my mum replied that she said tea cakes. The bill came to 15.10 and my mum handed her 15 as she left her purse at the table, the girl just stood there with here hand out waiting for the 10cent. My mum told her at least 3 times that she would run back up with it but to no avail, i ended up putting it on my card. My mum was so upset as this happened in front a a long queue and that she wanted to treat me. Im so sorry that i never got the name of the cashier but she had short reddish hair.

  • en

    Linda Ahern


    1 love shopping and browsing in Marks and Spencer so as there is room to browse. I am in a wheelchair so space is important. Staff are very happy to help or assist. Bathroom is accessible and well organised for wheelchair users. The cafe is comfortable and welcoming Staff are very good and always make sure you are looked after. 10/10

  • C S

    C S


    The food is really tasty. I went yesterday and the staff giving out samples were really nice. Collette on the till was very helpful and knowledgeable and made us aware of the 14 euro pizza deal

  • Antoinette Buckley

    Antoinette Buckley


    Lovely store.... Our local marks in Newbridge is also great and excellent service. More choice in liffey Valley. Love the homeware section. ...

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