Marks & Spencer Dundrum i Dundrum

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMarks & Spencer Dundrum



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Sandyford Road, Dundrum, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 299 1300
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2861405, Longitude: -6.2416283

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paula Boylan


    Love M&S girls so helpful same in Next couldn't fault it love it x

  • Jeremy Kearney

    Jeremy Kearney


    One of the nicest Marks & Spencers. Great range of clothing and home wares and even a food section. Very helpful staff. Prices maybe a little on the high side but you pay for what you get, great quality clothing that lasts and sublime food.

  • Michelle Corry

    Michelle Corry


    Great shop, Spacious, good selection of products, good quality, very helpful and obliging, friendly staff. Good sized food hall. Great quality food, ready prepared.

  • Harry Percival

    Harry Percival


    I do love the food section of Marks & Spencer, just now I'm visiting from the UK and I find the Irish M&S prices are about +30% on the UK, which is strange considering the strong euro, (it's also 3 euro to park at the Dundrum centre, that seems a lot!) The Irish Times calls it a Paddy Levy or Plevy, but it's no joke, UK retailers are overcharging Irish shoppers by 20 to 30%

  • Sarah Coates

    Sarah Coates


    An integral part of DTC. Good selection of everything. Friendly staff. Great sales.

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