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🕗 åbningstider

5, The Park, Carrickmines, Co. Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 207 4400
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Latitude: 53.2506486, Longitude: -6.1866144

kommentar 5

  • John Yoder

    John Yoder


    Very helpful and quick. Loved it

  • Steve McCurry

    Steve McCurry


    Couldn't place an order over the phone or via the internet. I had to get childcare so I could visit the store to place the order. Despite already having an invoice for the home products. Technology is a great thing. Embrace it or die!

  • en

    Lena kars


    I got a picture frame and the girls on the till didn't even offer a bag or to wrap it?.

  • Fionn Condren

    Fionn Condren


    Really happy with the choice and diversity of the homeware here. Staff are very friendly and helpful, and there is a design service available too. Not as large as some of the other furniture stores but still plenty to see here

  • Simon Mamouney

    Simon Mamouney


    Bought a sofa here recently and while it took sometime to find a staff member to assist they were absolutely wonderful and helpful when you got one. Paul was fantastic and very helpful and nothing was too much of a bother. They have a great range of furniture and furnishings. We went to a bunch of stores to find a new sofa and they had the best range, price and styles. Definitely will be back if we need more furniture!

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