Dunnes Stores i Dublin 18

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDunnes Stores



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Bray Road, D18 C7W7, Dublin 18, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 289 2677
internet side: www.dunnesstores.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.266449, Longitude: -6.16082

kommentar 5

  • Roland Robert

    Roland Robert


    SUPER !!

  • fr

    Seguy Laureline


    Un grand magasin comme un autre avec tout ce que vous avez besoin et beaucoup de monde. Le café etait délicieux et agréable pour se détendre après les courses.

  • Maya Ivanova

    Maya Ivanova


    Dunnes stores Cornelscourt - Невероятен магазин! Отлично обслужване и много хубави стоки. Има безплатен паркинг до 3 часа. Нещо много важно за Дъблин. Има 1 ресторант за бързо хранене и едно кафене в което също се предлага храна. Има обущарски павильон, химическо чистене, аптека, фризьорски салон. Супермаркет, стоки за дома, дамски дрехи, мъжки дрехи и детски! Препоръчвам ви го!

  • en

    Samar M


    This is such a nice Dunnes to come to do your shopping. It’s so big with so many different things to choose from. It was recently renovated and there is butcher shop inside. Also, they have a very big selection of cheeses- most which you can taste before purchasing. The staff here are very friendly. There is also a clothes and home section so it’s handy to be able to just hop over and pick up a few things if you need. It’s very busy on the weekends but during the weekday it’s nice and quiet! If you live by here then I definitely recommend you come here for your shopping.

  • Andrey B

    Andrey B


    Pros: + Good value for money (when using €10 discount vouchers). + Enjoyable shopping experience. + Very tidy. + Great assortment. + Awesome butcher shop and deli. + Polite (while not always helpful) staff. + Ample parking (after expending). Not during Xmas time though :) Cons: - Check the produce thoroughly - I came across tomatoes, sweet peppers and figs (latter on 3 different occasions!!) with remarkable amounts of white mold. - Quite common to find expired items on the shelves (including fresh meat). - In a number of cases the staff could not provide answers (what beers are included in Mix & Match promo - even Grocery Customer Service could not assist). The "sorry for that" answer is not really helpful.

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