Heatons i Dublin 15

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1a, Westend Retail Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15YPV4, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1890 800 304
internet side: www.heatonsstores.com
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Latitude: 53.3915179, Longitude: -6.3856835

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maria Waters


    Great place to do a lot of shopping, a must stop shop

  • Rachel Cooper

    Rachel Cooper


    Great shop but the security men are very rude

  • en

    D. Miller


    Excellent welcoming floor staff, Junior and Senior Management. Always get a smile at check-out. Duvet Covers/Sheets etc excellent bargain in sales. Once purchased 100% Irish Wool Womens socks ideal for hill-walking for €3.00 per pair! Best to visit on a weekly basis - you can really find quality for price! Mr. Casey Manager always helpful if on floor or til also!

  • Ciaran McLarnon

    Ciaran McLarnon


    Sport shop has good selection of products; the clothes in the main store are not very high-quality. Good selection of household items.

  • Abeer Mustafa

    Abeer Mustafa


    I am glad we have a heatons in blanchardstown. Its a best place to shop for home if you have a budget however they don't have huge range like home store and more however the decorations are superb and prices are too good. This store is very nicely decorated with fast checkout and good customer service

nærmeste Stormagasin

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