Marks & Spencer Blanchardstown i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMarks & Spencer Blanchardstown



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Unit 182 Blanchardstown Retail park, Blanchardstown, Dublin, D15 EW27, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 824 6264
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3919074, Longitude: -6.388463

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amber Cushing


    Less of a selection than Liffey Valley but I can usually find what I need.

  • Mary Gilligan

    Mary Gilligan


    Love M & S but you need a choice of gluten of products in your food mall and restaurant. Found nothing gluten free today.

  • Shining Star98

    Shining Star98


    We organized store, with nice staff and good selection of clothing and food.

  • Vikas Gupta

    Vikas Gupta


    The store is relatively smaller than other M&S Stores and the stock is limited however the staff is quite helpful.

  • en

    Darja Bulanenko


    We Had just terrible customer service on teal in M&S grocery department in Blanchardstown.. no Hello, no smile, no nothing.. the lady on teal Patricia ( middle age, a bit overweigh, short hear) asked do we need a bad, we bought just salad and Easter egg, so I asked a pepper bag, and then she did such a face expression, that I asked for something illegal, then, no thank you for shopping, no have a good day.. after one minute we realized, that we didn't got a plastic cutlery for salad, and I come back to ask for that.. there was no queue, and she was just ignoring me, just locked somewhere in space, I asked for cutlery, and again that "friendly" face expression, I felt sorry for asking that.. and again no sorry, no any word, from that woman, she just throw them, just like I am a dog.. is it a normal practice for your staff?! such a discussing feeling. 2 stars, just for great food

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