Harvey Nichols i Dublin 16

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IrlandHarvey Nichols



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Sandyford Road, D16 W0C0, Dublin 16, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 291 0488
internet side: www.harveynichols.com
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Latitude: 53.2881176, Longitude: -6.2439513

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kate O'brien


    I went into Shavata Dundrum for my Eyebrows threading and my experience there was just amazing. I was seen by lovely therapist Shiba! She is very professional & friendly Before starting the treatment I was offered a drink after I had a consultation about my eyebrows to see which shape would suit my face best, she started threading and I couldn't feel any pain honestly ! then she offered to pencil them in and show me how to do that!. Words can't describe how happy I am, my eyebrows look absolutely amazing! Highly recommend

  • Ross Canpolat

    Ross Canpolat


    The shop looks horrible. Very cheaply put together. They do stock some rare and unique products though

  • Yvonne O'Meara

    Yvonne O'Meara


    Recently shopped in the Beauty section of Harvey Nichols, the service I received was first class. The staff are absolutely lovely, very knowledgeable and extremely helpful. I bought products from Andreea from Omorviska and Sisely, the girls at both counters were excellent and made me very comfortable and helped to purchase the right products for my skin type. Also managed to get the few beauty bag, amazing!! Will be back soon!!

  • Brendan Joseph

    Brendan Joseph


    The Grocery Department of Harvey Nichols is among the most fun and novel places to shop for treats for yourself in Dublin if you're anything of a quirky foodie. It's a total hidden gem, somewhat like Fallon and Byrne, in that they actually have a lot of hard-to-find items, particularly for people from other cultures who might miss home - you'll be surprised and delighted at what you'll find here. I love it because I can come here and very easily find a meaningful memorable gift for almost anyone. The fashion departments are high end, and make up and beauty is too, it's a good complement to the House of Fraser store inside the centre, in that between them they stock most of the leading upscale and luxury brands in both cosmetics and clothing, but it's the grocery area I come for. Their wine selection is as good as at any leading independent off license, and in some cases better, in that they have their own unique selections, and their whiskey is as good as you'll get without visiting an airport or going online. This is in a little 'man cave' upstairs so just ask at the till and they'll take you there. The staff are exceptionally knowledgable as well and really friendly and unpretentious. It's just a wonderful luxurious shopping experience that anyone can enjoy.

  • en

    Alexi Potocki


    One of the worst shops I have ever been, poor stock, no service or if, it's with some altitude ( hello? It's Dublin, not NY so please learn some manners!) the cafe it's fine, actually pretty nice food and good coffee. Apparently it's a cover up business for tax purposes hence the poor interest in potential customers. Won't shop there again.

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