Dunnes Stores i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDunnes Stores



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Unit 10/11 Stephens Green Shopping Centre, Saint Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, D02 RD40, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 565 3580
internet side: www.dunnesstores.ie
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Latitude: 53.340176, Longitude: -6.263242

kommentar 5

  • en



    Best supermarket located in the city centre! Many options and lots of fresh food.

  • Tom Harker

    Tom Harker


    Grocery and clothes. We searched “grocery” in Google and found Dunnes, so we’re pleasantly surprised to find two floors of clothing in addition to the grocery level. The airline had lost my wife’s (and baby’s) suitcase, so we needed to pick up a few things to get through a couple days. Dunnes was nice because there were quite a nice selection for adult and baby, prices were reasonable, plus they even had some sale items for St.Patrick’s Day apparel (so we picked up some souvenirs for the little ones at home). As a bonus, we headed to the bottom level grocery after shopping for clothes, and had a nice lunch at the deli with plenty of options.

  • karishma s

    karishma s


    Dunnes is really nice , I go every week to amke my groceries, the $5 back on every 25 is nice. It expires every 9 days hence I made it my routine to go every Sunday so I spend 20 on groceries . There's a nice variety , nice food options for lunch and also nice selection of affordable pastries.

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    Ciaran Cafferkey


    Whenever I manage to travel to and from Dublin independently I'll be spoilt for choice about weather to have breakfast in the cafe in dunnes Stephens Green or dunnes in the ilac or arnotts or debenhams.

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    Difei Luo


    An absolutely must go if you are in Dublin and want an inexpensive quick lunch. The handmade sandwich is the best of the best.

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