Ardboyne Hotel i Navan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandArdboyne Hotel


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Dublin Road, KT13 8XA, Navan, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 902 3119
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Latitude: 53.6407521, Longitude: -6.6715134

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maire Columb


    Lovely comfortable hotel. We were there at a wedding reception. The food was excellent...huuuuge portions and choice of a main. The tables were beautifully laid out. Rooms were full of all essentials. Shower was like a massage it was so powerful. The staff couldn't have been more helpful & friendly. We had a lovely stay. Breakfast had a wide variety too. My husband had the Full Irish I had fruit and yoghurt etc. Lovely.

  • en

    Bernie Bernie


    Mothers Day breakfast, room cold, food freezing had to send back, then out came dried bland piping hot food, struggled to chew, service not great either! Very disappointing worst mothers day experience ever, never ever again!!

  • Susie Kelly

    Susie Kelly


    Nice hotel with a homely feel and a lovely garden hidden away at the back. Staff are pleasant helpful and accommodating. Everything was fine with the room which was ground floor looking out onto a courtyard with picnic tables. This serves as a smoking area for late night function goers - maybe ask to be moved if you're a light sleeper or allergic to cigarette fumes. Good restaurant. More special needs parking would be useful. The main car park is small and busy and the overflow car park is tough going. Overall a grand place to stay, right in the centre of County Meath and easily accessed from the M3.

  • Amanda



    Lovely hotel, great staff. 5 star treatment! We were at a wedding yesterday the 4th January 2018. And it was fabulous, the food was gorgeous and the staff were so helpful and super friendly! I would highly recommend this place we enjoyed every moment 😃

  • Calum Halliday

    Calum Halliday


    Overnight stay for a business engagement. Large and comfortable, though a little dated room. I had dinner in the large and spacious bar, decent menu of slightly above the average pub fayre. Monday is a big social night here, with live music and popular acts, makes the hotel much busier, but never felt crowded or overwhelmed. On the whole, nice enough place.

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