Killyon Guesthouse i Navan

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IrlandKillyon Guesthouse


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Dublin Rd, Limekilnhill, Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 46 907 1224
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Latitude: 53.6412709, Longitude: -6.6698117

kommentar 5

  • en

    Susan James


    What a lovely cosy bed and breakfast,breakfast was delicious,lovely and clean and lovely owners that will go out of there way to help you,would highly recommend this bed and breakfast.

  • en

    Joe Butler


    Very dirty rooms, thick dust everywhere. Sewerage smell in the house. Mouldly smell on bed covers and pillows. Owners are rude and dismissive. Dont know how they got 4 stars. 5 of us stayed there in 5 different rooms. All the same complaints. Full of clutter.

  • Melvin Lee

    Melvin Lee


    Nice room and friendly hosts here. The breakfast is absolutely amazing.

  • Rebecca 303030303030

    Rebecca 303030303030


    Great B&B Lovely Breakfast And Lovely rooms , The hosts are so nice 😊 I would definitly stay again

  • Tris Revill

    Tris Revill


    This traditional bed and breakfast was welcoming and comfortable, while the bed creaked the breakfast was outstanding. Definitely worth going just to get a slightly dusty taste of Ireland. We were greeted by the lovely hosts in relaxed manner they had fresh mince pies in the oven and the fire on. The room was small, dated but comfey and had everything we needed. The bed and floorboards creaked a bit and the walls weren't that thick but it was fine for a night. The best bit was breakfast in the morning! It was cold so we sat inside looking out at the river banks and birds (there is a terrace for warmer days). The table was filled with an outstanding array of the most delicious local food. The home made carrot cake was outstanding, the fry up spot on and the orange juice deliciously fresh.

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