Boyne Hill House Estate i Co Meath

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IrlandBoyne Hill House Estate


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Kilcairn, Navan, Co Meath, Co. Meath, C15 Y228, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 46 903 1247
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.6264021, Longitude: -6.6626059

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marek Podsiadly


    Great place for wedding or any other party

  • John Shortt

    John Shortt


    What a place and the guys really know how to look after couples. Really adds the wow factor

  • Cosantoir



    Amazing wedding venue. Best suited for outdoor weddings of groups 100-160 people. Can cater for Dogs on the day also. All staff are lovely friendly and enthusiastic. I was here for a corporate event and we had a blast. So much fun and activities to do.

  • Chris Traynor

    Chris Traynor


    Attended a wedding here in October 2017. The staff and management were so helpful and kind. We were totally looked after. Great venue for a small wedding.

  • mick o'dwyer

    mick o'dwyer


    We were at a wedding here last year and loved it. The main house stands alone, and it's everything you would image a proper country house to be. The interiors are beautifully decorated and there's a great sense of old world charm. A short walk away is the rest of the venue, bar, dining room, drawing room, and a large courtyard surrounded by other guest rooms. The highlight though, for us, were the grounds which cover 40 acres or so. There's fantastic lawns about the house, there's the river Boyne close by with a path to walk alongside it, and also a Secret Garden which is absolutely stunning and the perfect setting for a wedding. We'd love to go back some day.

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